Q. Where do you provide gardening services?
We currently cover the entire KC metro area with plans to service other cities in the future.

Q. I don’t know how to grow anything…will Yum Yards work for me?
. Absolutely! Our “Yardeners” will walk you through all the steps to purchasing the products to build your garden. We’ll help you decide what to grow and we’ll be there all season long to tend to your garden and let you know what needs to be done when we aren’t there.

Q. What do I need to provide?
You will need to purchase your raised garden bed and drip irrigation system as well as any plant supports that are needed. We can show you what to purchase and where to get the best products.

Q. What does Yum Yards provide?
. We provide an initial gardening consultation for $65 (payable in advance and credited to your account when you sign up for construction and/or gardening services) that will cover your backyard garden potential, the types of beds that can be built, and what vegetables that can be grown in your yard.

Following the consultation, we’ll assemble the garden you purchase, fill it with compost and other amendments. Then we will provide all plants and seeds needed to grow vegetables in your garden throughout the growing season. We will provide cover for early season tender crops. We will tend to your garden according to the subscription service you have purchased.

After each visit, you will receive a video garden update which will cover activity in your garden and instruction on what needs to be done in between our visits and instructions on harvesting your vegetables.

Q. How much does this cost?
.There is a $65 fee for an initial garden consultation. If you sign on for services, the fee is applied to your bill.

Gardening services are on several levels depending on your needs and budget.

1-10 square yards of garden. There is an additional reduced rate for gardens larger than 10 square yards.

After your consultation you will receive an estimate of all costs.

Yum Yards can also design and install drip irrigation systems and automatic timers to ensure your plants receive the proper amount of water throughout the growing season.